Ways to share data between Vue components without middleware component props: parent --> child $parent, $child, ref and $refs: access parent, child or referred component data emit events: child (this.$emit('event_name', data)) ---> parent ( @event_name="eventHandler") $attrs/$listeners: pass comoponent props(v-bind) or events(v-on) downside level by level provide/inject: ancient component provides shared data for all the descendant components to use. Event Bus, $emit and $on: use an empty Vue instance as the global shared event bus. By means of events carried by the event bus, parent, child, sibling components can share data without restriction. or add Event Bus to Vue prototype property in main.js Web Storage API: HTML5 provides localStorage and sessionStorage API for data persistance for different scale and period. Thus, the page components can call these APIs to read/write data for sharing. slot-scope: Put slot-scope into template tag, and bind the template with data exposed by the child component. This allows the parent to render child component with different UI styles or data by the template slot. By this way, the parent component can used data inside the child component and render it with styles from parent itself. This is a very limited scope data sharing between parent and child components. Why and When to use Vuex? Ways to communicate between components mentioned above can be used according to different rscenarios. Some ways are strictly restricted by components relationship and are not flexible for global data sharing; Athough the Event Bus provides a lightweight way for share data globally, it's not easy to manage events and state when it's used…

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